
Intervention Compass was created for teachers and administrators by a teacher and administrator in 2015. Supporting all students can be hard, but our team knew it didn't have to be. What started as an easy way to monitor who was in and out of the hallways turned into a whole district real-time student success manager.
Every district has massive amounts of data, but how do they use this data to better the lives of their students?
Intervention Compass helps districts gather, organize, and use the data they have to make every student and teacher a success.

We believe in a world where every student is a success story.

Our Mission.

Our mission put simply, is to improve student outcomes.  We know that today’s students are our future. We must do our best to make sure they are successful. We do this by providing technology tools. 

Mr. Elmer provides an application for schools to improve student success – progress monitoring and intervention.  We call the application Intervention Compass.  From the classroom to the central office, it guides, it prompts, it reports efficacy in real-time.  It eliminates paperwork and those confusing outdated spreadsheets.

Your time is important. We partner with you to cover all the heavy lifting – implementation, integration of your data sets, building your data walls, training all stakeholders, and supporting PLCs.  All while you continue to focus directly on your students.

Let us get you back in the classroom and away from that data chaos.

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